Friday, December 22, 2017
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Paul Ryan Breaks His Silence On Meeting With Bill Clinton And Loretta Lynch
Paul Ryan was caught red handed late last week for being involved in the secret negotiations between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. An obscure state law required that Ryan, otherwise an anonymous passenger who didn’t exist, be listed on the plane’s manifest when it landed in Baltimore.
Now Ryan, who has come under pressure from the party and the president, has no choice but to explain himself. Moments ago (as of the writing of this), Paul Ryan announced that he was there and gave his reasons to Steve Doocy at Fox News:
” I was bamboozled onto that plane under false pretenses. AG Lynch told me we were going to meet a possible leak in the DNC, not that we were going to negotiate with Bill Clinton.
I had nothing to do with any of it. I was an unwilling participant who made no suggestions and made no commitments.”So basically, he broke his silence to deny it. He was just there. he didn’t participate. He sat watching Spongebob and whenever anyone looked at him he put his fingers in his ears and shouted “La la la la la la la” over and over until they went away.
Paul Ryan was on a plane with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton for a decent amount of time. There were definite exchanges. Paul Ryan, merely by being there, is a traitor to his party and his country. He says he welcomes the inevitable hearings with Trey Gowdy but that he sat with his earbuds in listening to Rage Against the Machine with his eyes closed for the entire meeting.
Yeah…sure he did.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
This was the straightforward message the Roman authority Julius Caesar sent to the Senate in Rome after a resonating triumph in the east against King Pharnaces of Pontus - a message that exhibited both self-importance and in addition awesome military skill. "I came, I saw, I conquered!" likewise spoke to his future as pioneer of the Roman Republic. Despite the fact that adulated at first for both his military aptitudes and capacity to lead, he slowly started to bring dread into the brains of large portions of those inside and additionally outside the Senate. At last, a plot emerged; companions soon progressed toward becoming foes and a fierce demise went to a despot.
Gaius Julius Caesar had come back to Rome in triumph, hailed as a legend. Amid his time as a Roman general, he asserted to have killed just about two million individuals in fifty unequivocal fights. Albeit adored by the nationals of Rome, he caused, from numerous points of view, stress among those in the Roman Senate - particularly the old tip top, the Optimates. The man who was destined to be hailed as despot forever (tyrant perpetuo) exchanged his expertise as a military administrator into the capacity to lead the Republic. Seeing the need and exhibiting that he really cherished the general population of Rome, he announced various critical and important changes - changes that further charmed him to the Roman citizenry. Continuously faithful to his armed force, one of his initially attempts was to offer land to prepared veterans. Next, he offered grain to the urban poor and wanted to move these same poor to the recently procured provinces in Anatolia, Greece and North Africa. He constrained the terms of the commonplace governors while expanding the extent of the Senate. He made another schedule (still being used today), and gave both gladiatorial amusements and feasts as diversion. The city of Rome had endured viciousness and defilement, and was tormented by high unemployment. Caesar gave occupations through open work extends as well as tidied up the risky city roads. He even constructed an open library.
While these changes made him famous among the ordinary people, they conveyed frenzy to a considerable lot of his foes and even some of his companions. To these men their cherished republic never again existed, particularly after Caesar was named tyrant for life in February 44 BCE - a totally illegal act. They trusted they at no time in the future had a voice as Rome was rapidly going under the control of an eventual dictator. Caesar's extraordinary haughtiness and vanity (he was extremely hesitant about his thinning up top head, for instance) annoyed numerous in the Senate. This self-importance was most obvious upon his successful come back to the city after the annihilation of kindred Roman officer Pompey (additionally an individual from the First Triumvirate) in Spain. Embellished in triumphant articles of clothing and a shrub crown - something many individuals saw as superfluous - Caesar rode into the city. Wars in the east had been against nonnatives, however his triumph in Spain saw the passings of what many considered as their own particular children and little girls. One tribune Pontus Aquila even declined to ascend as Caesar passed - something that irritated the vanquishing legend.
In spite of the sentiments of a few, various respects were given him: he was granted the titles of deliverer and imperator; his birthday was made an open occasion; his introduction to the world month, Quinctilus, was renamed in his respect – Julius (July); and in conclusion, he was named both the father of his nation and in addition a delegate for a long time. In all parades an ivory statue of Caesar was to be conveyed nearby the statues of the Roman divine beings - and this was managed without complaint from Caesar. This presumption turned out to be progressively more obvious as time passed: he sat attired in the purple formal attire of the old Roman lords on a uniquely manufactured brilliant seat while going to the Senate, frequently declining to ascend out of regard to any part who moved toward him. Further, he built a private castle on Quirinal Hill. Indeed, even the individuals who knew him best came to trust he was losing his judgment - something his companions said was expected to being exhausted, tired, and beset by his epilepsy.
Despite the fact that people around him endured his pomposity, others trusted the overcoming legend was winding up noticeably even more an awesome figure than a ruler which glaring difference a distinct difference to numerous conventional Roman convictions. It is to be rembebred that the idea of a magnificent clique was, up 'til now, quite a long while later on. Among companions, and additionally foes, there was a developing feeling of ill will, addressing why the Senate permitted what appeared to them as impiety. Did Caesar really trust he merited this acclaim? To numerous he seemed, by all accounts, to be to a greater degree a lord than a ruler, somebody no longer liable to both the general population of Rome and the Senate.
This elevated feeling of self-esteem was best observed amid the yearly February celebration of Lupercalia. The Roman leader and constantly steadfast Mark Antony endeavored to put a diadem - a wreathed tree - on Caesar's head while the "ruler," decorated in the typical purple robe, was situated in the Forum on his gold honored position, however Caesar pushed it away, rejecting the motion, expressing that exclusive Jupiter was the lord of the Romans. Sadly, not everybody viewed him as genuine in his refusal. Many even trusted he arranged the whole occasion. Regardless of whether Caesar really viewed himself as lord, he generally denied the title if called by it. The Roman speaker and creator Cicero - a person who had bolstered Pompey and known for his aversion for Caesar - said this was the start of the end for Rome.
The time had come to spare the Republic from this would-be the best, and in this way a scheme was borne. Be that as it may, a plot not to simply topple but rather to slaughter Caesar was an unsafe mission. Who might set out arrangement to execute the despot for life of the Roman Republic, knowing whether they fizzled, they would be marked as tricksters? Obviously, there were the standard thing, old foes of Caesar - companions and supporters of Pompey who looked for both high office and benefit. Next, there were the individuals who many accepted were companions of Caesar, individuals who, while being compensated for their unwaveringness, despised a large portion of his arrangements, particularly his aversion to oust the old, moderate Optimates. Further, they objected to his tranquility making endeavors with Pompey's supporters. Furthermore, ultimately, there were the optimists - the individuals who regarded the Republic and its old customs. Exclusively, their reasons differed, yet together, they trusted the salvation of the Republic relied on upon the demise of Caesar.
The four driving men of the intrigue were an uncommon blend of both companions and adversaries. The initial two men trusted they had not been compensated considerably enough for their support of Caesar: Gaius Trebonius filled in as a praetor and delegate and had battled with Caesar in Spain; Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus was legislative head of Gaul and had been successful against the Gauls. The following two backstabbers were clearly not companions of Caesar: Gaius Cassius Linginus who had presented with both Crassus and Pompey as a maritime administrator and who some accept considered the plot (Caesar unquestionably did not put stock in him), and finally, the eager and presumptuous Marcus Junius Brutus who had additionally served under Pompey and who was the brother by marriage of Cassius.
Brutus was the child of Caesar's fancy woman Servilia (some erroneously trusted he was Caesar's child) and hitched to the Roman speaker Cato's girl Portia. Marcus Porcius Cato (or Cato the Younger), a solid supporter of Pompey and blunt faultfinder of Caesar, had conferred suicide in 46 BCE while in North Africa. He had declined to surrender to Caesar after the administrator's triumph at Thapus. After Cato's demise, both Cicero and Brutus composed tributes in acclaim of the fallen Roman. To Cicero Cato was the stature of Roman excellence, an announcement that infuriated Caesar. In spite of the majority of this, Caesar had confidence in Brutus, pardoned him, and upheld him for a position as a praetor, which was a venturing stone to a consulship. There were different schemers obviously: Publius Servilius Casca, a tribune, who might strike the main blow against Caesar; Gaius Servilius Casca (his sibling) who as far as anyone knows struck the last blow in the despot's ribs; and in conclusion, Lucius Tillus Cimber, legislative leader of Bithynia, who flagged the begin of the assault. To these men control must be, at any cost, wrested from Caesar and come back to the Roman Senate.
Brutus accepted there was significant support for Caesar's death. These men got together furtively, in little gatherings to stay away from recognition. Fortunately for the plotters, Caesar had expelled his Spanish bodyguard in October of 45 BCE, trusting nobody would set out assault him. The plotters understood the assault must be soon and quick as Caesar was making arrangements to lead his armed force on a three-year battle against the Parthians, leaving on March 18. However, where and when would it be advisable for them to strike? Would it be a good idea for them to assault as Caesar rode on the expressway the Appian Way or in an open place; might they be able to assault while he was strolling home on the Via Sacra (the Sacred Way); would they be able to assault while he went to a gladiatorial amusements? After significant level headed discussion, an official choice was to strike amid a session of the Senate at the Theater of Pompey (the general Roman Senate was being repaired) on March 15, 44 BCE, the Ides of March. The assailants had picked their weapon of decision shrewdly - a twofold edged knife or pugio of around eight inches in length rather than a sword. Blades were better for close contact and could be covered up under their robes.
On the off chance that one has confidence in signs, there were various purposes behind Caesar not to go to the Senate meeting that day. To start with, Caesar's stallions that were touching on the banks of the Rubicon apparently wept. Next, a fledgling flew into the Theater of Pompey with a sprig of shrub however was immediately eaten up by a bigger winged creature. Caesar's better half, Calpurnia had a fantasy of him seeping to death in her arms. Also, ultimately, a seer named Spurinna cautioned him to be careful with risk no later than the Ides of March. Sadly, Caesar put little confidence in signs. The history specialist Suetonius stated, "These notices, and a touch of sick wellbeing, made him waver for quite a while whether to proceed with his arrangements or whether to put off the meeting." upon the arrival of his passing Caesar was really debilitated and, as Suetonius stated, reluctant about going to the meeting of the Senate, however the schemer Decimus landed at his home and encouraged him to not disillusion those sitting tight for him.
A substantial group went with Caesar on his way to the Senate. Similarly as he entered the theater a man named Artemidorus attempted to caution him of prominent peril by pushing a little look into his hand, however Caesar overlooked it. The tyrant entered and sat on his position of royalty. Stamp Antony, who had went with Caesar, was helpfully deferred outside by Trebonius, as arranged. In the theater there were two hundred congresspersons in participation alongside ten tribunes and various slaves and secretaries. Cimber moved toward the clueless Caesar and gave him an appeal to for the benefit of his banished sibling; Caesar, obviously, did not ascend to welcome him. Cimber gotten at Caesar's frock and pulled it back. Caesar supposedly stated, "Why, this is brutality?" Casca managed the primary blow with his blade; Caesar promptly attempted to protect himself by raising his hands to cover his face. The rest of the schemers encompassed the stunned Caesar - Cassius struck him in the face, Decimus to the ribs. Caesar given way, dead, incidentally at the foot of a statue of his old adversary Pompey. In all there were twenty-three blows. Suetonius portrayed the assault, "… right then and there one of the Casca siblings slipped behind and with a range of his knife cut him just beneath the throat. Caesar got a handle on Casca's arm and ran it through with a stylus; he was jumping ceaselessly when another knife got him in the bosom." Despite the wonderful expressions of William Shakespeare Caesar did not state "E tu, Brute!" (You, as well, Brutus!) as Brutus dove his blade into the diminishing despot yet "You, as well, my tyke!" The rest of the representatives in participation kept running from the theater. A while later, Rome was in a mess. Suetonius composed that there were a few, the individuals who hated Caesar, who needed to grab the killed pioneer's carcass and toss it into the Tiber, reallocate his property, and renounce his laws; in any case, Mark Antony kept up a calm mind and ceased any such plans.
While the scheme had every one of the makings of an incredible arrangement, little endeavor was made to plan for a short time later. The schemers advanced toward Capitoline Hill and the Temple of Jupiter. Brutus talked from a stage at the foot of the slope, attempting futile to quiet the group. In the mean time, slaves brought Caesar's body through the roads to his home; individuals sobbed as it passed. The burial service parade on March 20 was a display not at all like the one depicted by Shakespeare, in spite of the fact that Antony gave a short commendation. A fire had been based on the Field of Mars close to the family tomb; be that as it may, Caesar's body was immediately seized by local people and taken to the Forum where it was scorched on a significantly less difficult fire. The powder were come back to the Field of Mars and his family tomb; the city kept on grieving. In his The Twelve Caesars Suetonius composed that Caesar may have known about the plot against him and due to sick wellbeing purposely presented himself to the strike. "All experts, at any rate, trust that he respected the way of his passing… he hated the possibility of a waiting end - he needed a sudden one"
Brutus trusted the passing of Caesar would bring an arrival of the old Roman soul; shockingly, the city was in stun, and individuals turned out to be progressively more antagonistic. On March 17 the Senate looked for a trade off with the encouraging of Mark Antony: While the laws of Caesar would stay in place, there would be acquittal for the plotters. Tragically, peace was outlandish and the backstabbers fled Rome and would all at last meet their end. Suetonius finished his part on the killed pioneer, "All were sentenced to death … and all met it in various ways - some in wreck, some in fight, some utilizing the very blades with which they had deceptively killed Caesar to take their own lives." For Rome the youthful Octavian, the embraced child of Caesar, got his reserve as well as the support of the armed force. A last clash between Mark Antony (with the assistance of Cleopatra) and Octavian would convey Octavian to control as Augustus, the main ruler of the Roman Empire.
Gaius Julius Caesar had come back to Rome in triumph, hailed as a legend. Amid his time as a Roman general, he asserted to have killed just about two million individuals in fifty unequivocal fights. Albeit adored by the nationals of Rome, he caused, from numerous points of view, stress among those in the Roman Senate - particularly the old tip top, the Optimates. The man who was destined to be hailed as despot forever (tyrant perpetuo) exchanged his expertise as a military administrator into the capacity to lead the Republic. Seeing the need and exhibiting that he really cherished the general population of Rome, he announced various critical and important changes - changes that further charmed him to the Roman citizenry. Continuously faithful to his armed force, one of his initially attempts was to offer land to prepared veterans. Next, he offered grain to the urban poor and wanted to move these same poor to the recently procured provinces in Anatolia, Greece and North Africa. He constrained the terms of the commonplace governors while expanding the extent of the Senate. He made another schedule (still being used today), and gave both gladiatorial amusements and feasts as diversion. The city of Rome had endured viciousness and defilement, and was tormented by high unemployment. Caesar gave occupations through open work extends as well as tidied up the risky city roads. He even constructed an open library.
While these changes made him famous among the ordinary people, they conveyed frenzy to a considerable lot of his foes and even some of his companions. To these men their cherished republic never again existed, particularly after Caesar was named tyrant for life in February 44 BCE - a totally illegal act. They trusted they at no time in the future had a voice as Rome was rapidly going under the control of an eventual dictator. Caesar's extraordinary haughtiness and vanity (he was extremely hesitant about his thinning up top head, for instance) annoyed numerous in the Senate. This self-importance was most obvious upon his successful come back to the city after the annihilation of kindred Roman officer Pompey (additionally an individual from the First Triumvirate) in Spain. Embellished in triumphant articles of clothing and a shrub crown - something many individuals saw as superfluous - Caesar rode into the city. Wars in the east had been against nonnatives, however his triumph in Spain saw the passings of what many considered as their own particular children and little girls. One tribune Pontus Aquila even declined to ascend as Caesar passed - something that irritated the vanquishing legend.
In spite of the sentiments of a few, various respects were given him: he was granted the titles of deliverer and imperator; his birthday was made an open occasion; his introduction to the world month, Quinctilus, was renamed in his respect – Julius (July); and in conclusion, he was named both the father of his nation and in addition a delegate for a long time. In all parades an ivory statue of Caesar was to be conveyed nearby the statues of the Roman divine beings - and this was managed without complaint from Caesar. This presumption turned out to be progressively more obvious as time passed: he sat attired in the purple formal attire of the old Roman lords on a uniquely manufactured brilliant seat while going to the Senate, frequently declining to ascend out of regard to any part who moved toward him. Further, he built a private castle on Quirinal Hill. Indeed, even the individuals who knew him best came to trust he was losing his judgment - something his companions said was expected to being exhausted, tired, and beset by his epilepsy.
Despite the fact that people around him endured his pomposity, others trusted the overcoming legend was winding up noticeably even more an awesome figure than a ruler which glaring difference a distinct difference to numerous conventional Roman convictions. It is to be rembebred that the idea of a magnificent clique was, up 'til now, quite a long while later on. Among companions, and additionally foes, there was a developing feeling of ill will, addressing why the Senate permitted what appeared to them as impiety. Did Caesar really trust he merited this acclaim? To numerous he seemed, by all accounts, to be to a greater degree a lord than a ruler, somebody no longer liable to both the general population of Rome and the Senate.
This elevated feeling of self-esteem was best observed amid the yearly February celebration of Lupercalia. The Roman leader and constantly steadfast Mark Antony endeavored to put a diadem - a wreathed tree - on Caesar's head while the "ruler," decorated in the typical purple robe, was situated in the Forum on his gold honored position, however Caesar pushed it away, rejecting the motion, expressing that exclusive Jupiter was the lord of the Romans. Sadly, not everybody viewed him as genuine in his refusal. Many even trusted he arranged the whole occasion. Regardless of whether Caesar really viewed himself as lord, he generally denied the title if called by it. The Roman speaker and creator Cicero - a person who had bolstered Pompey and known for his aversion for Caesar - said this was the start of the end for Rome.
The time had come to spare the Republic from this would-be the best, and in this way a scheme was borne. Be that as it may, a plot not to simply topple but rather to slaughter Caesar was an unsafe mission. Who might set out arrangement to execute the despot for life of the Roman Republic, knowing whether they fizzled, they would be marked as tricksters? Obviously, there were the standard thing, old foes of Caesar - companions and supporters of Pompey who looked for both high office and benefit. Next, there were the individuals who many accepted were companions of Caesar, individuals who, while being compensated for their unwaveringness, despised a large portion of his arrangements, particularly his aversion to oust the old, moderate Optimates. Further, they objected to his tranquility making endeavors with Pompey's supporters. Furthermore, ultimately, there were the optimists - the individuals who regarded the Republic and its old customs. Exclusively, their reasons differed, yet together, they trusted the salvation of the Republic relied on upon the demise of Caesar.
The four driving men of the intrigue were an uncommon blend of both companions and adversaries. The initial two men trusted they had not been compensated considerably enough for their support of Caesar: Gaius Trebonius filled in as a praetor and delegate and had battled with Caesar in Spain; Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus was legislative head of Gaul and had been successful against the Gauls. The following two backstabbers were clearly not companions of Caesar: Gaius Cassius Linginus who had presented with both Crassus and Pompey as a maritime administrator and who some accept considered the plot (Caesar unquestionably did not put stock in him), and finally, the eager and presumptuous Marcus Junius Brutus who had additionally served under Pompey and who was the brother by marriage of Cassius.
Brutus was the child of Caesar's fancy woman Servilia (some erroneously trusted he was Caesar's child) and hitched to the Roman speaker Cato's girl Portia. Marcus Porcius Cato (or Cato the Younger), a solid supporter of Pompey and blunt faultfinder of Caesar, had conferred suicide in 46 BCE while in North Africa. He had declined to surrender to Caesar after the administrator's triumph at Thapus. After Cato's demise, both Cicero and Brutus composed tributes in acclaim of the fallen Roman. To Cicero Cato was the stature of Roman excellence, an announcement that infuriated Caesar. In spite of the majority of this, Caesar had confidence in Brutus, pardoned him, and upheld him for a position as a praetor, which was a venturing stone to a consulship. There were different schemers obviously: Publius Servilius Casca, a tribune, who might strike the main blow against Caesar; Gaius Servilius Casca (his sibling) who as far as anyone knows struck the last blow in the despot's ribs; and in conclusion, Lucius Tillus Cimber, legislative leader of Bithynia, who flagged the begin of the assault. To these men control must be, at any cost, wrested from Caesar and come back to the Roman Senate.
Brutus accepted there was significant support for Caesar's death. These men got together furtively, in little gatherings to stay away from recognition. Fortunately for the plotters, Caesar had expelled his Spanish bodyguard in October of 45 BCE, trusting nobody would set out assault him. The plotters understood the assault must be soon and quick as Caesar was making arrangements to lead his armed force on a three-year battle against the Parthians, leaving on March 18. However, where and when would it be advisable for them to strike? Would it be a good idea for them to assault as Caesar rode on the expressway the Appian Way or in an open place; might they be able to assault while he was strolling home on the Via Sacra (the Sacred Way); would they be able to assault while he went to a gladiatorial amusements? After significant level headed discussion, an official choice was to strike amid a session of the Senate at the Theater of Pompey (the general Roman Senate was being repaired) on March 15, 44 BCE, the Ides of March. The assailants had picked their weapon of decision shrewdly - a twofold edged knife or pugio of around eight inches in length rather than a sword. Blades were better for close contact and could be covered up under their robes.
On the off chance that one has confidence in signs, there were various purposes behind Caesar not to go to the Senate meeting that day. To start with, Caesar's stallions that were touching on the banks of the Rubicon apparently wept. Next, a fledgling flew into the Theater of Pompey with a sprig of shrub however was immediately eaten up by a bigger winged creature. Caesar's better half, Calpurnia had a fantasy of him seeping to death in her arms. Also, ultimately, a seer named Spurinna cautioned him to be careful with risk no later than the Ides of March. Sadly, Caesar put little confidence in signs. The history specialist Suetonius stated, "These notices, and a touch of sick wellbeing, made him waver for quite a while whether to proceed with his arrangements or whether to put off the meeting." upon the arrival of his passing Caesar was really debilitated and, as Suetonius stated, reluctant about going to the meeting of the Senate, however the schemer Decimus landed at his home and encouraged him to not disillusion those sitting tight for him.
A substantial group went with Caesar on his way to the Senate. Similarly as he entered the theater a man named Artemidorus attempted to caution him of prominent peril by pushing a little look into his hand, however Caesar overlooked it. The tyrant entered and sat on his position of royalty. Stamp Antony, who had went with Caesar, was helpfully deferred outside by Trebonius, as arranged. In the theater there were two hundred congresspersons in participation alongside ten tribunes and various slaves and secretaries. Cimber moved toward the clueless Caesar and gave him an appeal to for the benefit of his banished sibling; Caesar, obviously, did not ascend to welcome him. Cimber gotten at Caesar's frock and pulled it back. Caesar supposedly stated, "Why, this is brutality?" Casca managed the primary blow with his blade; Caesar promptly attempted to protect himself by raising his hands to cover his face. The rest of the schemers encompassed the stunned Caesar - Cassius struck him in the face, Decimus to the ribs. Caesar given way, dead, incidentally at the foot of a statue of his old adversary Pompey. In all there were twenty-three blows. Suetonius portrayed the assault, "… right then and there one of the Casca siblings slipped behind and with a range of his knife cut him just beneath the throat. Caesar got a handle on Casca's arm and ran it through with a stylus; he was jumping ceaselessly when another knife got him in the bosom." Despite the wonderful expressions of William Shakespeare Caesar did not state "E tu, Brute!" (You, as well, Brutus!) as Brutus dove his blade into the diminishing despot yet "You, as well, my tyke!" The rest of the representatives in participation kept running from the theater. A while later, Rome was in a mess. Suetonius composed that there were a few, the individuals who hated Caesar, who needed to grab the killed pioneer's carcass and toss it into the Tiber, reallocate his property, and renounce his laws; in any case, Mark Antony kept up a calm mind and ceased any such plans.
While the scheme had every one of the makings of an incredible arrangement, little endeavor was made to plan for a short time later. The schemers advanced toward Capitoline Hill and the Temple of Jupiter. Brutus talked from a stage at the foot of the slope, attempting futile to quiet the group. In the mean time, slaves brought Caesar's body through the roads to his home; individuals sobbed as it passed. The burial service parade on March 20 was a display not at all like the one depicted by Shakespeare, in spite of the fact that Antony gave a short commendation. A fire had been based on the Field of Mars close to the family tomb; be that as it may, Caesar's body was immediately seized by local people and taken to the Forum where it was scorched on a significantly less difficult fire. The powder were come back to the Field of Mars and his family tomb; the city kept on grieving. In his The Twelve Caesars Suetonius composed that Caesar may have known about the plot against him and due to sick wellbeing purposely presented himself to the strike. "All experts, at any rate, trust that he respected the way of his passing… he hated the possibility of a waiting end - he needed a sudden one"
Brutus trusted the passing of Caesar would bring an arrival of the old Roman soul; shockingly, the city was in stun, and individuals turned out to be progressively more antagonistic. On March 17 the Senate looked for a trade off with the encouraging of Mark Antony: While the laws of Caesar would stay in place, there would be acquittal for the plotters. Tragically, peace was outlandish and the backstabbers fled Rome and would all at last meet their end. Suetonius finished his part on the killed pioneer, "All were sentenced to death … and all met it in various ways - some in wreck, some in fight, some utilizing the very blades with which they had deceptively killed Caesar to take their own lives." For Rome the youthful Octavian, the embraced child of Caesar, got his reserve as well as the support of the armed force. A last clash between Mark Antony (with the assistance of Cleopatra) and Octavian would convey Octavian to control as Augustus, the main ruler of the Roman Empire.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
It's a Pagan Culture and Practice
Nephilims - the bloodline of the fallen angels.
So, we now know that James Comey is just another shill puppet of the NWO elites. You can trace his actions all the way back to how the Clintons recommended and helped installed him as a board member of the HSBC banking cartel. This whole thing is a nephilim game being performed by and through the Khazarian Rothschilds, and their puppet circles, who are being manipulated under the six pillars of the modern day knights of the round table. Oops, their favorite number again.. (6)!
So, we now know that James Comey is just another shill puppet of the NWO elites. You can trace his actions all the way back to how the Clintons recommended and helped installed him as a board member of the HSBC banking cartel. This whole thing is a nephilim game being performed by and through the Khazarian Rothschilds, and their puppet circles, who are being manipulated under the six pillars of the modern day knights of the round table. Oops, their favorite number again.. (6)!
In their game, what you see is NOT what you get.
Let me just give you a hint here...
Within the establishment circle (of which is comprised of all dirty left and right wingers of the same bird), the Bush has the highest voting power. Next power under Bush is the Clintons. Can you figure out why and how?
Now, many of the people who have been brainwashed into the game started as very well intended folks, but in the process of chasing their dreams, they got distracted and got caught with their lust of the mammon bait.
This all leads back to Rome, and even beyond (to some Pagan believes and cultures; underground cults that are feeding on human burdens and even literal blood sacrifices) because this world is being ruled by the DEVIL himself.
Nephilims - the bloodline of the fallen angels.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Go Home, Barry Foetoro :)
Traditionally presidents keep a low profile after they move out of the White House. They go back to their home state, take up hobbies and perhaps pen their memoir to put forward their version of events. It’s a time to be gracious and keep a low profile so the new president can take ownership of the Oval Office.
As with many other fine traditions which uphold the stability of the Republic, former President Obama is refusing to go quietly. It seems he just can’t stand to be away from the spotlight.
Not only is the former president releasing statements on President Trump’s policies through a spokesperson and expressing approval of the riots against President Trump by violent leftists, he is also taking press along to cover his kitesurfing holiday with billionaire Richard Branson.
Rather than move back to Hawaii, the former president has decided as well to stay in Washington while he and Michelle set up their Clintonesque Obama Foundation. Such conduct is decidedly unpresidential.
Before becoming president, Donald Trump in 2014 caused a furor by pointing out live on Fox that the former president’s real name is Barry Foetoro. President Trump’s allegation was further buttressed recently with the release of a five-year sheriff’s office investigation into the former president’s birth certificate which found conclusive evidence that it is a forgery.
The truth is, Americans never really knew who their president was for eight years. The higher his rhetoric soared, the opaquer his real agenda became. His was a manufactured identity crafted for political purposes; he may well be remembered not for being the first black president, but rather the first illegitimate one. He was also the most divisive since Lincoln.
The political disadvantage of the right is that we have moral standards we adhere to. Unlike the left, we have respect for the office of the presidency even if we despise the man holding it. We need to overcome such qualms if we are to salvage our civilization. It’s time for the independent media to treat the former president with the same disdain and lack of respect as the establishment media is treating President Trump.
Go home, Barry Foetoro! You’re a disgrace. You ruined the country, and now it’s time for you to go back home to the golf courses of Hawaii and enjoy the bloody lucre the deep state has rewarded you with for your services. Let the serious men and women of America try to fix the mess you made. You radicalized an entire region and turned whole nations into rubble while dangerously degrading our military and provoking our rivals. You divided the country by race, gender and faith and have put us all at each other’s throats. The Alinskyite neo-Marxist skills you honed in Chicago are now reaping a whirlwind across America and throughout the world.
For eight years we watched the leftist media fawn over the former president. At times it was risible. We watched the White House Press Secretary hit slow balls and everyone clap with delight as all in the room got to feel they had scored a home run together. Everyone got a trophy. Everyone except everyday Americans who were being eaten away by the lowest average economic growth rates under any American president. Ever.
Not once was the former president called to account by the liberal media over the more than 100,000 bombs he authorized to be dropped on the men, women and children of the Third World. When he bombed weddings and hospitals, the media was silent. Instead coastal liberals guffawed at their hip, selfie-taking emperor making wisecracks on SNL. Not a peep about his executive orders, the destruction by proxy of Libya, Syria and Yemen and the stoking of war tensions with America’s great geopolitical rival, Russia. Instead, look at him dancing with Michelle! So cute.
When future historians are seeking examples of late imperial decadence and moral degeneracy, the last eight years in America will provide them with the most striking picture of it since Nero.
Both inside and outside America today there is rising turmoil, division, hatred and violence. All of this is being pinned on President Trump’s tweets by an ideologically obsessed media and their oligarchic backers such as George Soros, Jeff Bezos and Carlos Slim. The spiraling chaos of the world was not created by President Trump. It was engineered over eight years by a Community Organizer-In-Chief well-versed in the dark arts of agitprop, dog whistling and the mobilization of mobs.
The disastrous Arab Spring movement which led to the civil wars, Islamist governments and mass migrations now ripping the Middle East apart was fueled by the former president’s rhetorical interventions in the region. His Cairo speech in 2009 was lauded by the neo-Marxist commentariat back home. In it, the former president encouraged uprisings against the rulers of the region who maintained the status quo. The result has been rivers of blood poured into the sand, many of them Christians. Not once did the media or the liberal establishment call the former president to account for his reckless destruction of an entire region of the globe. Instead he got the Nobel Peace Prize that year.
Stay in Hawaii, Barry. By all means, go kitesurfing with the oligarchs while you’re there. But stay away from politics. You weakened America internally and strengthened our enemies externally. The country cannot afford any more of your false hope and phony change. Perhaps with distance we’ll get a better perspective; because no matter how much you talked, we never really knew you.
By the way, you will never find the true definition of the name I just gave you, "Foetoro". :)
As with many other fine traditions which uphold the stability of the Republic, former President Obama is refusing to go quietly. It seems he just can’t stand to be away from the spotlight.
Not only is the former president releasing statements on President Trump’s policies through a spokesperson and expressing approval of the riots against President Trump by violent leftists, he is also taking press along to cover his kitesurfing holiday with billionaire Richard Branson.
Rather than move back to Hawaii, the former president has decided as well to stay in Washington while he and Michelle set up their Clintonesque Obama Foundation. Such conduct is decidedly unpresidential.
Before becoming president, Donald Trump in 2014 caused a furor by pointing out live on Fox that the former president’s real name is Barry Foetoro. President Trump’s allegation was further buttressed recently with the release of a five-year sheriff’s office investigation into the former president’s birth certificate which found conclusive evidence that it is a forgery.
The truth is, Americans never really knew who their president was for eight years. The higher his rhetoric soared, the opaquer his real agenda became. His was a manufactured identity crafted for political purposes; he may well be remembered not for being the first black president, but rather the first illegitimate one. He was also the most divisive since Lincoln.
The political disadvantage of the right is that we have moral standards we adhere to. Unlike the left, we have respect for the office of the presidency even if we despise the man holding it. We need to overcome such qualms if we are to salvage our civilization. It’s time for the independent media to treat the former president with the same disdain and lack of respect as the establishment media is treating President Trump.
Go home, Barry Foetoro! You’re a disgrace. You ruined the country, and now it’s time for you to go back home to the golf courses of Hawaii and enjoy the bloody lucre the deep state has rewarded you with for your services. Let the serious men and women of America try to fix the mess you made. You radicalized an entire region and turned whole nations into rubble while dangerously degrading our military and provoking our rivals. You divided the country by race, gender and faith and have put us all at each other’s throats. The Alinskyite neo-Marxist skills you honed in Chicago are now reaping a whirlwind across America and throughout the world.
For eight years we watched the leftist media fawn over the former president. At times it was risible. We watched the White House Press Secretary hit slow balls and everyone clap with delight as all in the room got to feel they had scored a home run together. Everyone got a trophy. Everyone except everyday Americans who were being eaten away by the lowest average economic growth rates under any American president. Ever.
Not once was the former president called to account by the liberal media over the more than 100,000 bombs he authorized to be dropped on the men, women and children of the Third World. When he bombed weddings and hospitals, the media was silent. Instead coastal liberals guffawed at their hip, selfie-taking emperor making wisecracks on SNL. Not a peep about his executive orders, the destruction by proxy of Libya, Syria and Yemen and the stoking of war tensions with America’s great geopolitical rival, Russia. Instead, look at him dancing with Michelle! So cute.
When future historians are seeking examples of late imperial decadence and moral degeneracy, the last eight years in America will provide them with the most striking picture of it since Nero.
Both inside and outside America today there is rising turmoil, division, hatred and violence. All of this is being pinned on President Trump’s tweets by an ideologically obsessed media and their oligarchic backers such as George Soros, Jeff Bezos and Carlos Slim. The spiraling chaos of the world was not created by President Trump. It was engineered over eight years by a Community Organizer-In-Chief well-versed in the dark arts of agitprop, dog whistling and the mobilization of mobs.
The disastrous Arab Spring movement which led to the civil wars, Islamist governments and mass migrations now ripping the Middle East apart was fueled by the former president’s rhetorical interventions in the region. His Cairo speech in 2009 was lauded by the neo-Marxist commentariat back home. In it, the former president encouraged uprisings against the rulers of the region who maintained the status quo. The result has been rivers of blood poured into the sand, many of them Christians. Not once did the media or the liberal establishment call the former president to account for his reckless destruction of an entire region of the globe. Instead he got the Nobel Peace Prize that year.
Stay in Hawaii, Barry. By all means, go kitesurfing with the oligarchs while you’re there. But stay away from politics. You weakened America internally and strengthened our enemies externally. The country cannot afford any more of your false hope and phony change. Perhaps with distance we’ll get a better perspective; because no matter how much you talked, we never really knew you.
By the way, you will never find the true definition of the name I just gave you, "Foetoro". :)
Monday, March 6, 2017
Desperate Counter Attack by Satanic Mafia Failing On All Fronts as Human Liberation Nears
New weekly report from Ben.
Major “stuff” is happening, that’s for sure. This is why all of us are here, as Light players in this great Planetary play… the final act is going down, now.
“We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing. The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians… Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US.
“Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy” Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters.
“A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine… It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say.
“A clear sign the Satanists have lost control of the American people can be seen in the impotence of their once dominant corporate propaganda apparatus… 88% of heavy corporate media coverage of Trump was negative since he took office [but] polls showed that 79% of Americans viewed his speech last week… favourably… House Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi’s expression during Trump’s speech. To me it looks like someone (or some entity) in mortal fear.”
By Ben Fullford
“We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing. The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians… Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US.
“Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy” Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters.
“A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine… It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say.
“A clear sign the Satanists have lost control of the American people can be seen in the impotence of their once dominant corporate propaganda apparatus… 88% of heavy corporate media coverage of Trump was negative since he took office [but] polls showed that 79% of Americans viewed his speech last week… favourably… House Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi’s expression during Trump’s speech. To me it looks like someone (or some entity) in mortal fear.”
By Ben Fullford
Monday, February 27, 2017
A Note From David Seaman
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David Seaman |
I got the word I would be attacked a lot this week. "Character assassination."
Let them do it. Let them say whatever they want. I helped get the word out in time, and that changes history. Fake News corporate media, owned by the people who lost the election, does not represent truth or knowledge or wisdom.
I just don't want to see it. I'm somewhere safe and will return to my usual media schedule next week sometime. It is tedious to reply to their made-up theories about me. They use the same playbook all the time- it's called Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."
I don't recommend you read it. It will lower your energy level; it's a book about manipulating people and breaking people, rather than healing through love and insight. But, of course, many in the political class are still operating out of that old paradigm where they need to break and harm us, bend us to their will. I opt out of that paradigm, as should each of you.
Anyone with half a mind knows I did not go through what I went through over the last 4 months to promote an out of print Internet marketing textbook I wrote 9 years ago. Anyone with a half a heart knows I did not become one of the first US journalists to call out the ring's child trafficking in order to make money from a gold company's affiliate program. And anyone who is a friend knows I do not like George Soros. I've read his books, he has a legendary financial mind (or did until recently), and he has used his wealth and power to make our world less safe, less beautiful, and more fear-based.
That's not acceptable. Ironically, some of the groups calling me a Soros shill are likely financed by him. Why do that? Well, it's in Rules for Radicals- these are not nice people.
As for my YouTube, the videos have been deleted for legal reasons. I will be able to discuss this more next week, when I return to my regular public schedule.
God bless you all and thank you for being people of great integrity, people who aren't swayed by the flicker of dishonest people on TV and dishonest bloggers at Buzzfeed and elsewhere.
A new world is ahead. Not a new world order, as they intended. A free world.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
A Female Doctor Working in Germany Warns the World
“Yesterday, at the hospital in Germany where I work, we had a meeting about how the influx of muslim immigrants from the middle east is simply unsustainable. Walk in Health Clinics cannot handle emergencies, being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of serious health emergencies, they are starting to send everything to the hospitals.
Many muslims are refusing treatment by female staff here in Germany. The muslim men make sick, crude comments and overtures to the female staff members, because to them any non-muslim woman is a whore or a future slave. After brief exposure to these cruel, sadistic, female hating beats, we, women, are refusing to go among those animals, especially the muslim men from Africa.
Relations between the female hospital staff and muslim immigrants are going from bad to worse. Since, the assault and unreported rapes of German women last weekend migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.
Very high numbers of migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them.
If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, when they learn they have to pay cash they become violent. They were told in the middle east that everything in Germany would be free. Everything would be handed to them on a silver platter.
Finding out that they MUST pay for certain things leads to loud, violent, outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. Many of these muslim immigrants kidnapped children, so that, their social benefits would be higher once they landed in Germany.
Finding that they would have to pay for the children’s drugs, they gave up the ruse and abandoned the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!”
Now, the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also large pharmacies.
Truly we said openly: Where are all those who had welcomed in front of TV cameras, with signs at train stations?! Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but a million of them are already here and we will definitely not be able to get rid of them.
Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million or higher. Most of these people are completely unemployable. A infinitesimal bare minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant with many children in tow.
Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and neglected. If this continues and German re-opens its borders, I’m going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even double the salary than at home. I went to Germany, not to Africa or the Middle East.
Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who for 800 Euros a month cleans every day for years. She has to pick up the refuse the muslim men discard every where they go. She has to serve the young muslim men in the hallways who stand there with their hand outstretched, demanding everything for free, and when they don’t get it they throw a fit.
They know Germany and her citizens are very civilized. Add to that the world is watching, so these vicious, lazy, muslim youths know if they scream shout, and threaten violence, the German people will cave in.
I tell you, no one who has not come in contact with them has any idea what kind of animals they are, especially the ones from Africa, and how the muslim men and women act superior to our staff who are Christian. They look down upon us, verbally deride our Christian values and then demand that their every wish be granted immediately.
If, Germans with our generous nature cannot handle this, then the rest of Europe will be total chaos.
For now, the local hospital staff has not come down with the diseases they brought here, but, with so many hundreds of patients every day – this is just a question of time.
In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the brink of death, which they had dragged across half of Europe for three months before seeking medical attention. The child died in two days, despite having received top care at one of the best pediatric clinics in Germany. The physician had to undergo surgery and two nurses are in the ICU. Nobody has been, and no one will be punished.
The local press is forbidden to write about it.
Many muslims are refusing treatment by female staff here in Germany. The muslim men make sick, crude comments and overtures to the female staff members, because to them any non-muslim woman is a whore or a future slave. After brief exposure to these cruel, sadistic, female hating beats, we, women, are refusing to go among those animals, especially the muslim men from Africa.
Relations between the female hospital staff and muslim immigrants are going from bad to worse. Since, the assault and unreported rapes of German women last weekend migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.
Very high numbers of migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them.
If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, when they learn they have to pay cash they become violent. They were told in the middle east that everything in Germany would be free. Everything would be handed to them on a silver platter.
Finding out that they MUST pay for certain things leads to loud, violent, outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. Many of these muslim immigrants kidnapped children, so that, their social benefits would be higher once they landed in Germany.
Finding that they would have to pay for the children’s drugs, they gave up the ruse and abandoned the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!”
Now, the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also large pharmacies.
Truly we said openly: Where are all those who had welcomed in front of TV cameras, with signs at train stations?! Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but a million of them are already here and we will definitely not be able to get rid of them.
Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million or higher. Most of these people are completely unemployable. A infinitesimal bare minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant with many children in tow.
Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and neglected. If this continues and German re-opens its borders, I’m going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even double the salary than at home. I went to Germany, not to Africa or the Middle East.
Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who for 800 Euros a month cleans every day for years. She has to pick up the refuse the muslim men discard every where they go. She has to serve the young muslim men in the hallways who stand there with their hand outstretched, demanding everything for free, and when they don’t get it they throw a fit.
They know Germany and her citizens are very civilized. Add to that the world is watching, so these vicious, lazy, muslim youths know if they scream shout, and threaten violence, the German people will cave in.
I tell you, no one who has not come in contact with them has any idea what kind of animals they are, especially the ones from Africa, and how the muslim men and women act superior to our staff who are Christian. They look down upon us, verbally deride our Christian values and then demand that their every wish be granted immediately.
If, Germans with our generous nature cannot handle this, then the rest of Europe will be total chaos.
For now, the local hospital staff has not come down with the diseases they brought here, but, with so many hundreds of patients every day – this is just a question of time.
In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the brink of death, which they had dragged across half of Europe for three months before seeking medical attention. The child died in two days, despite having received top care at one of the best pediatric clinics in Germany. The physician had to undergo surgery and two nurses are in the ICU. Nobody has been, and no one will be punished.
The local press is forbidden to write about it.
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