Monday, February 8, 2016

NY: 65,000 % Increase in Radiation

Note: The Indian Point nuclear plant, is located less than 40 miles from NY City and is currently leaking highly radioactive cooling water into the ground around the plant. There are 40 wells that were drilled to monitor and track the ground water around the plants two nuclear reactors to track just such an eventuality. One of those wells is now showing a 65,000 percent increase in radiation in the ground water. This means the plants very highly radioactive cooling water, as atFukushima in Japan, is leaking cesium-137 into the ground water where it will continue to move and spread including perhaps to New York City and might even go beyond there in the several generations. Unlike at Fukushima where new cesium is made daily and released into the environment by the multiple ongoing meltdowns in NY the cesium is typically captured and stored on site. This system failed again.

As is typical of the nuclear industry, that any critical radiation information regarding any leak or leaks is being suppressed. For example, we aren't told and so don't know when the leaking began but just that at one of wells readings began to rise and that it is now up over 65,000 percent. But radiation data for the other wells have not been released. We are also only given the data that tritium levels are up and that at that single well head is 65,000 % higher for tritium. But no readings for the other radioactive poisons that travel with tritium in water such as cesium-137 which lasts and remains deadly in the environment for over 60 years and up to 100 years it is not even mentioned. We dont get one in the cooling water without the other. They are made together in nuclear reactors and leak together in the reactors cooling water.

There is no such thing as a safe level of exposure to any radiation and cesium-137 with its high rate of ionization inparticular is very dangerous. It goes to the heart, other muscles and to the brain where after a time, it can cause cancers in of and by itself. One possible treatment for cesium137 exposure is daily doses of Prussian Blue as Radiogardase, aka Prussian Blue in soluble capsules.

Shut Down Indian Point NOW!

By Dennis H. Clarke

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