Friday, October 14, 2016

Paul Ryan is Finished - Establishment Republicans and Democrats Against Trump - Your Last Chance

It was said tonight on corrupt dishonest media… MSNBC, ABC, CNN & CBS news that if the people i.e. American voters elected Donald J. Trump into office the vial corrupt politicians on Capitol Hill would not like it but would accept his nomination to office, BUT, as for now they would use any means to eliminate Donald J. Trump i.e. voter fraud.

“We the People” are the government! Let's not forget that. The people of this great nation, the American voters, we have to put into office who we wish and who we want to represent us on Capitol Hill. The time has come to purge these corrupt politicians that are a plague in our American government. Please, help us fight back with your vote. At this point you have to give it all your best for the future of your family and your loved ones. You simply have to. 

So America, vote for Donald J. Trump for your President. Donald J. Trump is the only candidate that has raised 6 million dollars for vets, 1 million of his own money. What candidate has done this? 

Union workers backing Donald Trump SEIU head says republican appeals to working class members! Our Military is supporting Trump in order to bring our military back to full strength in order to protect this great nation from enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump cannot and will not be bought, bribed, intimidated, and has no special entrusted groups behind him telling him what to do. Trump wants to bring back Merry Christmas and keep in GOD WE TRUST to our currency. Trump supports our second Amendment Rights to the letter he is also endorsed by the NRA for President 2016. 

Hillary wants to abolish the (2nd) second amendment in our country. Trump is trying to protect and restore the constitution of this great country. He is bringing back… water boarding and much more in order to protect our service men and woman and the American public. He self-funded his primary campaign and got other candidates to do the same. Trump also said that he will not take a salary that he will work for free for the American people. He is firm on immigration and Muslim refugees not coming into the United States without being properly vetted for the security of our country and its citizens. He will build a wall to close our borders from illegals… can only come in legally, and Mexico will pay for the wall 100%.

Heads will roll on Capitol Hill as Demarcates and GOP Republicans are terrified of a TRUMP Presidency. Politicians have ripped and torn our country apart and the American people are fed up.

One other man that successfully made his bid for the White House in the past, who was not a politician, and who wasn’t even a lawyer was an actor. He became the governor of California. In the theaters, this man killed more American Indians than John Wayne… He almost, babysit a chimp named Bonzo, and was the cattle king of Montana (This is a metaphor). This man wanted to help our country and tried to “Make it great again.” He also had an uphill battle which he fought all the way to a point where he was almost assassinated but survived. This man was the great fortieth U. S. President Ronald Reagan. 

Donald J. Trump has to be our next President or America will never again be what it used to be... gone forever and into a fascism New World Order system that will require to eliminate about 90% of the current world population in order to attain their target of a sustainable economic goal of just 500 million people. This will ultimately mean that your children and mine will have probably no chance of surviving into their New World dream.

So please, go make sure you vote on November 8th, 2016, and if possible, please make it a goal to convince a friend to come with you and cast in his/her vote for Donald J. Trump. 

In the meantime, get used to it... The establishment, left or right, and the mainstream media will continue to smear Trump with all sorts of false accusations to keep him away from destroying their free money fountain machine.

The GOP will have to back Mr. Trump to be the nominee or face a public revolt…..SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! 

When there is a vote in November it is said that there will be voter tampering by the Dems. “Hillary Clinton”. There have been numerous reports of people taking names from our cemeteries so the dead do vote for corrupt Hilary Clinton. We should demand an investigate for voter fraud and tampering. If Trump loses the voter loses to the establishment because it is part of the corrupt D.C. political establishment and the voter loses…….Again!! 

So, there is no room to slack here on until you cast your vote for Donald J. Trump. VOTE……VOTE Donald J. Trump for our President “ 2016 “

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