Wednesday, September 9, 2020

LBMA of the Khazarians

Here's the biggest problem I see with a precious metal monetary standard. If we end up submitting to the gold standard without any proof of work or at least some level of transparency, then we will end up under the same hands of the same Khazarian masterminds.

Why I say this? Do you know that LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) was created by the Khazarians? They control all precious metal prices, always. We need something that's very transparent for everyone to be able to audit any time, so the Khazarians will never be able to manipulate our lives ever again without the people seeing their hands.

I am NOT saying that we will never be able to depend on a gold standard, but I truly believe that if we will ever have to go back to a gold standard, we will have to register that gold standard on the blockchain technology so that everyone can see what's going on.

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