Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Denial Of Help by Kaiser

What am I supposed to do to get any real justice here?  None is available through today's Kaiser Health plan.

It seems that there is a wrecking crew that knows just what to tell the anonymous persons at "the State," to get them to back a cut off any Medicaid help despite my obvious needs.

Apparently, my Medicaid coverage is not based on my "need," as need can be canceled by radical politics, no matter the sanity of any specific "Care Givers" or the charges put forth by such.  Thus by false accusations alone, and without any evidence or attestation by any identifiable person or persons, Medicaid benefits can be cancelled in spite of any great and obvious need for such services, those very Medicaid services that Medicaid was designed to provide.

The very basis of human rights is freedom from false accusations and from brutality and punishment without offense.

So at this time, I have been repeatedly abandoned to fend for myself based on false charges by persons who operate unknown to me, making charges I can't see or answer and I am being required to sign a "behavioral" pledge or the in-home Medicaide services which I actually require to go on living at all will be "cut off" by Kaiser Quest with, I am told, "by Kaiser employees, the approval of the (unspecified) 'State officials,' with oversite,"

God only knows what accusations have been made against me as I am apparently not entitled to know the specific time, place, form and event of any specific charge against me or who my accuser or accusers may be.  So, with no chance to know specific charges or who is making those charges, I have been left, following a series of strokes, without necessary in-home care, unable to cook, clean, dress myself, use the toilet safely, get around or to defend myself from marauding robbers.  Just this last week, I was forced to seek help from a pair of persons, the only ones I could find who promised to change my soiled clothes and get me into a shower, who not only didn't help me do any of that, but once having gained access to my apartment, stole various items including and all my cash and a VISA Card from my wallet, leaving me not only soiled, but broke and without food.

So thus, I am now forced and coerced into signing an oath against anonymously sourced charges and continuously threatened with a cut-off of all Medicaid services, if I don't agree with and sign off on the false charges against me.

So, now that I am paralyzed with three unusable limbs and desperately need help, I am denied aid and subjected to torture from sadistic beings and being left to fend for myself if i don't sign off on rules prepared for me by a Kaiser enployee by the name of, K. Uilani Chow-Rule, RN, MSN, Supiovisor on Oahu of Kaiser's QUEST Integration program.

Again, those rules as she presented them, all obviously sprung from the false accusations of anonymous sources which Chow-Rule Chose to "protect" (itself a scurilous charge) when Chow-Rule refused to identify or provide any specifics as to charges when I asked for such.  I am provided with no chance at a defence.

Dennis H. Clarke
President Emeritus, Citizens Commission On Human Rights International (Ret.)

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