Monday, November 2, 2015

4 Countries Remain w/o ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!

In 2000 there were 8 without Rothschild Central Bank (The Red List):
  1. Cuba
  2. North Korea
  3. Iran
  4. Syria
  5. Afghanistan
  6. Iraq
  7. Libya
  8. Sudan
Today,  2015 there are only 4 without Rothschild Central Bank:
  1. Cuba
  2. North Korea
  3. Iran
  4. Syria
  5. Afghanistan
  6. Iraq
  7. Libya
  8. Sudan
Is it just coincidence that the United State: 
  • Invaded Afghanistan? 
  • killed Iran's president, Saddam Hussein?
  • killed Lybia's Leader, Moammar Kadafi?
Maybe it's a dangerous thing for any country to exist without a Rothschild Central Bank?
Maybe a country without a Rothschild Central Bank is at risk of losing the life of its leader?

Maybe the last 4 on the Red List: SyriaNorth KoreaIran, or Cuba are risking the lives of their leaders to still exist without a Rothschild Central Bank? I don't know. 

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