Monday, August 10, 2015

Every Human Has Rights

Earth is in what some scientists describe as the “Goldilocks Zone” in our galaxy wherein the Earth is just far enough from our Sun to give us a climate that is “not too hot and not too cold but just right for the accumulation of the water believed necessary for life form to exist.” As we explore nearby galaxies even from a great distance using space imaging devices, we are currently searching for other planets located in similar “Goldilocks Zones,” around other distant suns/stars. It is generally believed that “Goldilocks zones” offer us the best chance of detecting similar life forms to our own among the visible, but distant galaxies from our own galaxy which it is supposed, apparently spawned and supports life here on here on Earth. That is at least the current, working/funded theory driving our search for extra terrestrial life in the far reaches of space.

Things however could be otherwise than some suppose. We are after all, still exploring this planet and galaxy and our theories as to the origins of life here are still in their embryonic stages on this, a small planet where our “science” still supports nuclear weapons and nuclear “power” as “solutions.” and where we still accumulate but have no solution for nuclear radiation and nuclear waste which are completely anti-life.
Here on Earth, our “science” still supports punishment “to make our people, better human beings on all levels” We aren’t yet even to the stage where we can hear the distant snickers, chuckles and laughter much less the cries and sobbing from outside this sector of the universe for those on this prison planet who have lost their ability to conceive of life without either radiation or punishment.

In the areas of human health, mankind has only just rediscovering an understanding of needed nutrients, particularly knowledge of vitamin D3 and has just barely rediscovered (barely scratched the surface of the value of the vitamin) and among other things, has only just learned how to determine the actual amount amount of vitamin D3 the body demands in order to be healthy over time. The current correct way to determine physical need for vitamin D3 is by a blood test called 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. As of the turn of the last earth century, the “correct” way to determine the needed daily dose of vitamin D3 from all sources was with that same simple blood test called 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. This blood test was developed in the late 1990s and has served well since as the standard method for determining the bodies ongoing demand for cholecalciferol in the blood. It was also soon discovered that various pathologies such as lupus, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, susceptibility to the most common and deadliest cancers as well as such common ailments as colds and influenza among other so-called illnesses, all of which vanish at progressively higher blood levels of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). In other words, most of the major anomalies man currently calls illnesses are actually signs of a vitamin D3 deficiency and not a product of man’s hopelessly flawed and faulty “germ theory” of disease.

Studies using blood level tests have also showed that the average, healthy young adult uses an average of 5,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 per day, just sitting there with no additional stress or demands for D3 on the bodies so-called immune system such as a normal menstrual period, fighting off a cold or other “illness” or natural body stresses such as a pregnancy or the healing process following even a relatively minor injury. Stretch marks and other scarification are a product of the healing of skin lesions in the absence of a sufficient D3 reserve to handle simple day to day anomalous events, natural or otherwise. In that the “healing” process tends to be slower than the velocity of impacts and other injuries and even the impact of a sudden loss, or even a threatened loss in the absence of a sufficient vitamin D3 to form in the body a reserve cushion, will be seen to have a permanent or extended affect on the body. The beaten and abused child or spouse stands out to the seasoned observer in terms of scarification and other visible signs in the absence of necessary healing mechanisms, all of which are optimized by sufficient vitamin D3 in the body. How much is sufficient is generally seen as the same amount needed to prevent most of mankind's so called diseases from colds and the flu to the 20-plus most common forms of cancer including breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate, skin and as well, such all too common “diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus and tuberculosis (TB). All of these are products of a deficiency in the vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) blood level reserve over periods of (usually) years. People are often shocked to learn that their actual need for vitamin D3 is commonly in excess of 10,000 IU per day. as that number seems large to them. But what they need to understand is that it takes 41,000 IU of a fat soluble (one that mixes or dissolves in oil or fat) to equal 1 mg. of a water soluble (one that mixes or dissolves in water) vitamin like vitamin C or a B vitamin.

It should be noted here that the darker than average average skin pigmentation found with people whose ancestors are from equatorial regions, still functions as the natural sunscreen that protected their ancestors and which they inherited on their genetic line. Today however, those who have inherited dark (meaning heavily pigmented skin), which in latitudes further north or south of about 30 degrees north and south latitude is a distinct liability as it tends through screening sufficient UV sunlight over time (years), to build into those heavily pigmented bodies a long-term vitamin D3 deficiency with all the health liabilities that can entail.. Thus testing the 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and achieving optimal, targeted year-round vitamin D3 blood levels (as determined by periodic, preferably seasonal), 25(OH)D3 blood tests) for every member of the family and even communities is perhaps the most crucial medical test and public health measure of all. A reasonable year round, seasonal, target for each 25(OH)D3 blood test is about 65 ng per ml and can go as high as 200 ng per ml without harm. The blotted blood from a single pin prick to a finger, provides sufficient blood for a 25(OH)D3 blood test and is routinely today done by mailing the blotted blood spot to a laboratory for the result which is either gotten on-line or via the mail and even E-Mail. The entire cycle via the mail and Internet takes about a week.

Today, most vitamin D3 supplements are produced in China from the renewable lanolin derived from sheep’s wool which the Chinese buy in bulk from Australian sheep farmers. Thus vitamin D3 remains the least expensive of all vitamins. The lanolin found in other sheep’s wool from around the world will also produce quality and inexpensive vitamin D3. The best way to buy supplements of vitamin D3 is in gel caps as they hold their strength and quality best and longest (literally for years) at normal room temperatures.

As there is a great need there, someone may soon capitalize on the renewable lanolin rich sheep’s wool of Icelandic sheep and produce vitamin D3 for Iceland, the British Isles and Europe into Russia and beyond. These with their northern latitudes and their general lack of UVB rays from the sun and even their natural, winter total UVB blackouts, make vitamin D3 a vital strategic health defense imperative for residents of far northern nations. In the Southern Hemisphere, South Africa where vitamin D3 deficiencies manifest as “antibiotic resistant TB” and other D3 preventable and treatable diseases, these areas now constitute a strategic catastrophe of magnitude. Vitamin D3 is just what the doctor won’t order there for fear of the very rich, “Big Pharma” operations cutting the income of doctors by reducing kickbacks for prescribing their unnecessary, dangerous, addictive but highly profitable pharmaceutical company products. But that financial wall too is crumbling as a general awareness of the vital necessity of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in human health continues to rise outside the medical field which for the most part lives off poor public health and phoney but profitable scams such as useless vaccines and drugs that do no good but only harm.

No pathogen has ever or will ever become the equivalent of “vitamin D3 resistant,” the way so many bacterial pathogens have become “antibiotic resistant.” part of the reason for this being the common medical use of antibiotics to “treat” viral infections such as the common cold and influenza. Vitamin D3 is neither an antibiotic nor for that matter as it’s often mislabeled, a “steroid.” These incorrect labels are products of disinformation campaigns by pharmaceutical interests to develop “reasons” to severely regulate and restrict the distribution and use of vitamin D3 supplements which are wiping out whole categories of and markets for pharmaceutical drugs. It warrants mention here that another very useful vitamin, B3 (niacin) is also being suppressed by some medicos and the "Big Pharma" interests. Vitamin B3 is both very safe and effective against antibiotic resistant pathogens and is also practically “dirt cheap.” The antibiotic resistant strains of E-Coli bacteria, MRSA and the antibiotic resistant forms of tuberculosis (TB) now devastating African populations are but a few examples of what vitamin D3 can handle so by measuring the effectiveness of vitamin B3 as well, it all adds up to safe and effective health measures and lost pharmaceutical cash. In that the least expensive and easily available vitamin D3 as a solution could wipe out TB in Africa, in that it is not used, raises the specter of yet more deliberate genocide in Africa, targeting people of color in a similar genocide and comparable to the current “arsenic crisis genocide” in India, Bangladesh and other parts of South Asia. Deliberately created in the late 1970s by agents of Great Britain and the United Nations (UNICEF) and expanded ever since, it targets over one-hundred-forty-millions of poor brown people for extermination via the certain, cruel and painful deaths caused by the numerous cancers induced by their arsenic laced water supplies. That arsenic laced water supply was conveniently “not discovered” in water that was never tested until twenty years after the arsenic induced cancers had begun to kill widely. What British agents and agents of the United Nations (UNICEF) (same group) have underway in the West Bengal region and areas of adjacent Bangladesh makes the World War II Nazi Holocaust against the Jews pale by scalar comparison to the horrors of the modern day crimes against humanity being perpetrated against the poorest populations of South Asia, arguably the poorest men, women and children on Earth. The alien philosophy of the death cult of psychiatry that was and is behind the merciless extermination of any people whom psychiatrists have designated as “unwanted” or, “in the way,” and in true Nazi style, are also called, “useless bread gobblers,” and “lives devoid of value,” all in their efforts to make nothing of these poor people in order to lessen in some minds, the significance of the monstrous crimes psychiatrists and their minions continue to commit against these and other fully human beings.

Before I move on, I must not fail to mention, the atrocity called the American Justice System which is a “system” but has nothing to do with justice. In fact, it is a system of punishment, developed by and for psychiatrists to be operated “for profit” in private, for-profit prisons in an effort to financially incentivise a reversal of any nominal gains made in the area of civil law by American Blacks and seen as advances of civil rights in the last century. Today, in an effort to keep them out of the gene pool, American Black men constitute by far, the single largest psychiatric engineered prison population on Earth, over two-million people, not to mention those on parole, probation and those awaiting sentencing in America. These are the most tragic human rights crimes since slavery in America itself and is but a “modern” form of slavery which now holds over two million Black slaves in the “home of the free and the land of the brave,” under virtual psychiatric police state conditions in what have been described as for-profit American gulags. Also held in this genocidal system of slavery are the last remaining male Native Americans and Polynesians.

The number-one so called crime for which Blacks and the rest are enslaved in the United States Of America is, “Simple Possession Of Marijuana.”

Almost all marijuana grown and distributed in America is grown or distributed by Whites, not Blacks in America and where this slave industry is growing and holds fresh seeds for open rebellion and perhaps the “seeds” of a second bloody Civil War in America. Meanwhile the hardest core of American drug addicts are made by medical doctors carrying out the long-term psychiatric program for America with prescriptions of some of the most dangerous and addictive substances known to man, to and for American children, all hand selected as the brightest, most alive of their generations and thus potentially America’s future leaders, all placed on a path to brain damage and life-long drug addiction. By definition, that which alters brain chemistry, function and structure, constitutes brain damage. All substances prescribed to “alter or control behavior,” do just that through brain damage and by no other means. Addictive substances are those which create withdrawal syndromes. According to the American Psychiatric Association in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness, Third Edition, Revised, (DSM III-R), “The major complication of withdrawal from (metylphenidate and methamphetamine, their most prescribed behavioral control drugs, the number-one type of prescription for children) is suicide.” Prior to such prescriptions, children virtually never killed themselves. Today, child suicide during withdrawal from their prescribed “behavior control medications,” in America is commonplace. With every such incident, the person who prescribed a “behavior control medication” to the now dead child should be charged with the murder of that child.

In 1969, in the middle of the deliberate psychiatric creation of this system of slavery and other human rights atrocities, the American philosopher and prolific humanitarian author, L. Ron Hubbard, gave English speakers something they lacked, their first general working definition of “human rights.” Hubbard gave us this simple but utterly insightful and profound statement in his “Ron’s Journal (RJ) 69, Issue 1.”

“The very basis of human rights is freedom from false accusations and from brutality and punishment without offense.” ~ L. Ron Hubbard ~ RJ 69 #1.

Then as now, suppressive personalities and squirrels have refused to accept and still will not use that sentence as a definition for human rights and so deliberately choose to leave something as vital as human rights undefined.

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